A compass sitting on a table

Your Business Made Better

Strengthen your business and your team with practical, hands-on support from our experienced business consultants. We focus on you, your people and the future of your business.

Business Consultants for Small Businesses

Most of our small business clients haven’t worked with management consultants before and have expressed hesitance to reach out. They had been successful to this point, but something was holding them back from moving forward, and they didn’t know how a consultant could help. Here are some of the ways.

Burning Question

We know there are times when you just need an answer. What should a severance be? What is the process to conduct a difficult conversation? Where should a vacancy be advertised? How do I decide on a new line of business? We have some answers.

A hand holding a lightbulb to the sky
Pencil shavings on a table

A Little Tweaking

No project is too small for our team. We are happy to update a few policies, create a couple templates or be your thinking partner.

Level Up

You’ve known for a while now that it’s time to up your game but lack time and resources to plan and execute. There might be a paper system that should be digitized, procedures that need to be documented or information required on fair market employee pay. We can help.

Leading people forward on a hill
Long exposure of cars speeding down a freeway at dusk

Major Over-Haul

It may be time to transition the business or to take that leap of faith to expand. Either way, you need a plan and maybe a little hand-holding to make that plan a reality,


An icon showing 3 light-blue simple representations of people

Human Resources

How our Business Management Consultants Work?

As we work longer with you, we’re more than just Advisors, and we’re not a full-time Executive on your management team. Our Hands-On management consulting services in Canada go beyond traditional consulting to make sure that you see business results by working directly with you and your team.

Beyond planning and advice, we also dedicate time to executing plans and recommendations by leading projects and initiatives that do not warrant staffing a permanent in-house position.


  • Primary function is to give advice
  • Limited commitment to your success
  • No specific deliverables
  • 1-1 relationship with President/CEO

Hands-On Consulting

  • Primary function is to act as a multiplier and move the company forward quickly
  • Dedicated commitment to specific deliverables
  • Project-based performance measurement
  • Work with your team to provide coaching and hand-off


  • Involved in day-to-day functions and have ability to influence company culture
  • Set time commitment
  • Many deliverables and competing demands on time
  • In-house performance measurement
  • Leads a team
Hand holding a glass orb to the sky

Omni Consulting Can Help If:

  • You want to take the next leap forward with your business
  • Your HR challenges seem never-ending
  • You don’t have anyone you can speak to about the whole of your business and want your ambitions confirmed or corrected before taking action
  • You need to rethink your role in the business (whether you want to scale, step back, or just take more vacation time)
  • You’re preparing to transition or sell your company
Testimonial 1

I strongly recommend Omni Management Consulting Group to any small business that needs a little help clarifying your goals and financials and never seems to have the "time" to do it. You will not regret it!

Ruby Cole-Ellis

Testimonial 2

You guys have done such a great job for us over the years. You've essentially worked yourselves out of a job because we don’t need you as much anymore.

Ron Brown

Testimonial 3

You guys have been great. Our values and the way we work very much align.
We want to have a long-term relationship with Omni.

Matthew Pike

Testimonial 4

It’s amazing how much this project has accomplished in such a short time.
I’m really enjoying working with the Omni team!


Do you have any questions about how we can help you and your business?